How to Lead with Purpose For Purpose Social Impact Graduate Programme

How To Be a Leader with Purpose

Leadership is typically associated with people in positions of power. However, we are all leaders in our own right. We are the leaders of our positions at work, we lead within our personal lives and show leadership qualities in a variety of aspects. Therefore, it is important to consider how we can lead with purpose, in our working lives and personal lives, regardless of whether we hold a specific leadership job title.


Leadership Advice With Purpose

Some of our For Purpose Graduates attended the Leadership Academy Breakfast Club this week, as part of their professional learning and development. There were some extremely insightful takeaways from this session, including advice on how to lead with purpose.


1. Create intentional space

If you are passionate about a particular area in society, but there is no dedicated place to discuss this issue, create the space. Whether you want to create a LinkedIn Group to start the conversation around a particular professional topic, or maybe it’s a Facebook Group to combat a community issue, make it happen. Several people have amazing ideas, but true leaders consider the issue at hand, and take purposeful action. Leading with a passion or desire to change something will create perseverance for your cause.


2. Respect is a two way street

Respect is one of the most important values to uphold when leading with purpose. You should respect yourself, which is very important and often overlooked, and of course, everyone you encounter. When you treat people with such respect, it will come back to you in twofold. This includes honouring people’s perspectives when making decisions, lifting the best out of each individual and respecting varied perspectives. When this respect is upheld, your leadership will be built on a foundation of integrity.


3. Lead with authenticity

With the influence of technology and our continuous exposure of digital media personalities, our authenticity radar is sharper than ever. We can instantly spot when someone is genuinely being themselves, or putting on a mask. Therefore, as a leader, your authentic personal brand is more important than ever. Your personal brand is what makes you, you. Your core values, personality traits, moral compass, interests and everything in between makes up your personal brand. If you are leading with a core purpose, your passion will be apparent as long as it is genuine and authentic.


Leadership Academy

If you are interested in learning more about leadership, the Leadership Academy provides opportunities to have conversations about the key leadership challenges and to find relevant, cutting-edge leadership development opportunities, networking, training, information and support.

The Leadership Academy hosts a Breakfast Club on a monthly basis, where we hear from leadership professionals sharing their insights.


Start Your Career With Purpose

It is important for graduates working in social impact organisations to consider how to lead with purpose. These should be applied in your current position, future career, personal lives and more.

If you are interested in joining the For Purpose Social Impact Graduate Programme and learning from sector leaders, visit our website or contact Dr. Rhonda Wynne, Head of For Purpose.