Why join For Purpose?

The For Purpose Social Impact Graduate Programme was established to provide a structured and unified graduate programme for the charity and community sector in Ireland. It is designed to provide a career path into the sector, support early career professionals and help meet the current and future needs of the sector.  

We connect social impact organisations with talented graduates who are searching for purpose in their careers and the chance to make an impact on society. We recruit positions across a range of career paths, from fundraising and communications to finance, HR, and more. For Purpose is part of 2into3, who have been working since 2006 to build the capacity of organisations to have a transformative social impact. 

For Purpose is the only graduate programme in Ireland offering paid graduate jobs across the nonprofit sector. We offer graduate roles in: housing, communications, HR, fundraising and more. Our goal is to kickstart your nonprofit career and support you along the way.

We provide you with one-to-one mentoring sessions with experienced nonprofit professionals. This gives graduates the opportunity to discuss their work and careers with an experienced, impartial professional. All of your mentoring sessions are strictly confidential.

We host For Purpose Tuesdays every second Tuesday of the month. Our seminar is led by a sector expert, who provides learning materials and shares insight. This is a great opportunity for our graduates to meet on a monthly basis, and develop their peer-networking skills.

Careers with Impact

The nonprofit sector, often referred to as the third sector or the voluntary sector, consists of various organisations dedicated to achieving social impact. The nonprofit sector contains organisations that operate for the primary purpose of serving the public good, rather than generating profits for shareholders.

Nonprofits span a wide range of subsectors, including: arts & culture, health, education, environment, social services, housing and development, sports and more.

Many graduates are seeking a career with impact. The nonprofit organisations we have worked with create an incredible impact for individuals, communities, across Ireland and beyond.

Interested in learning more? See some examples of organisations we’ve worked with:


Foróige Programme Coordinator

Cooperative Housing Ireland For Purpose Graduate

“I had a very unclear career path before beginning the For Purpose Graduate Programme. Thanks to the programme and support of my organisation, I have been able to identify a career path that I know I will find very rewarding. I learned new skills that contributed to my personal learning and development that I can take with me in my career. It was extremely beneficial to have a mentor independent of my organisation and there were some really fantastic For Purpose Tuesday sessions too.”

I think it is an amazing experience, particularly for those interested in working in the nonprofit sector. It is a great way to start your career, as well as building a solid foundation of your understanding of the nonprofit sector. I loved the For Purpose Tuesdays – I learned something new at every session and they were always a great opportunity to meet other grads. It has really helped me in terms of understanding the sector I want to work in.” 

I thought the programme was very good and I now have a new network of people. I can’t emphasis enough how good the mentoring process is. My mentor was lovely and I felt that I could bring anything to her, it didn’t have to be about work. I would strongly recommend For Purpose to other graduates who are looking to get their foot in the door.” 

For Purpose provided me with the tools to excel in my current role. It has also given me confidence to reach out into the third sector and try other new things. My meetings with my mentor were hugely beneficial to me. He had a wealth of knowledge and his holistic and personal approach really helped me. I will continue to work in housing. My experience on the programme has only cemented my desire to keep doing what I’m doing.” 

“For Purpose offers excellent support. The monthly mentoring with an experienced professional gives me guidance on how to navigate my role, as well as my professional development, while the learning seminars provide an excellent opportunity to network”

“The For Purpose Graduate Programme is a brilliant opportunity to do something you believe in while also growing professionally. If you’re a graduate who is eager to make a difference and asking yourself ‘what’s next?’, For Purpose may well provide the answer”

Our Recruitment Process

Previous Organisations We’ve Worked With

Meet our grads

Meet our mentors

Our mentoring programme forms one of the three core pillars of our programme, alongside one-year paid employment and monthly learning seminars.

A mentor is a trusted advisor who provides guidance to the mentee (graduate). Their mentor is there to support graduates in the transition from education to employment. We match early career professionals with experienced professionals from varied backgrounds who can provide insight into the nonprofit sector and offer unbiased support. Furthermore, mentors also work with their mentee to clarify goals and develop career ideas, identify key learnings and support them in moving forward in their career. Learn more about our mentors here.

Mentor Testimonials

“The mentor was the best support I had. Someone to listen to my work problems and give advice to me was great.”

“My meetings with my mentor were hugely beneficial to me. He had a wealth of knowledge, and his holistic and personal approach really helped me.”

“My mentor helped me grow a lot. She helped me reflect and build confidence in my work”.


The For Purpose Graduate Programme connects graduates seeking job opportunities with nonprofit organisations.

Yes, our roles are always paid positions. This is one of the great benefits of our programme. Not only do you get the opportunity to kicktstart your nonprofit career, you are also paid, receive your own mentor and attend monthly learning seminars.

No. We advertise graduate positions on behalf of the nonprofit organisation. The successful candidate will have full access to the benefits of our programme! However, you are employed by the company you apply for.

It’s best to follow us on social media. We are on Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitter. We post our new jobs there! If you’re not on social media, you can check our current vacancies page on our website frequently.

Ideally, experience in volunteering or the nonprofit sector would be fantastic, this shows your passion for the sector! However, any relevant experience such as part-time jobs, involvement in college societies or extra-curricular activities would benefit your application. Take a look at our current vacancies if you’d like to see the skills our current nonprofits are seeking in a graduate!

No, there are no looming annual deadlines!

We have continuous graduate opportunities which appear on a rolling basis. Of course, each position has their own application deadline, but job opportunities become available at any time throughout the year!

Yes, you can! Our roles are targeted towards people in their early career, regardless of age. Our positions are usually on the first step of the organisational chart and your salary/level of responsibility will reflect this.